Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cricket and Politics in India

Within minutes of Indian team defeating the Sri Lankan team in the final of the ICC World Cup the youth in the city responded spontaneously. There were crowds on almost every street of the city and young men cutting across class and caste affiliations celebrated the victory. There has been an occasion over the last few decades which saw the youth assemble in large numbers and enjoy without inhibitions. The victory of the nation is the elixir from which our youth are inspired.

The victory of the team is a victory for India’s plurality and dynamism both of which are perpetually threatened by divisive political forces. It was only last month that parochial forces in the guise of sub-regionalism tried their best to misguide youth to indulge in violence. Popular press has reported that the political party has resorted to every gimmick to assemble one million youth. It spent crores of rupees, yet not more that few thousands joined their call. But the few thousands damaged the reputation of the city, the state, the language and culture.

However, this night Hyderabad celebrated voluntarily and spontaneously. The rich and the poor danced together, hugged each other and yelled Jai Ho. The camaraderie might be momentary, it will vanish tomorrow. But cricket has done what TRS and such parochial parties failed to do that is bring people together, and provide hope and succour to an entire nation, particularly to its youth.

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